外资(欧美) 少于50人 医疗/护理/卫生 医疗设备/器械
外资(欧美) 少于50人 医疗/护理/卫生 医疗设备/器械
Diaverum(德瑞医疗)是全球领先的四大肾透析服务提供商之一, 1991年源于从事人工透析的瑞典金宝公司,2007年独立于金宝公司,更名为德瑞医疗。总部位于瑞典隆德(Lund, Sweden),全球办公室位于德国慕尼黑,亚太办公室位于香港, 中国办公室位于北京。拥有悠久而先进的透析医疗管理运营经验、透析中心高效管理系统、持续质量改进提高体系及特有的员工发展培训体系;获得 ISO 9001 质量和 ISO 14001 环境管理体系标准认证。致力于为慢性肾功能衰竭和末期肾病患者提供包括血透、腹透、肾移植、心血管疾病、糖尿病在内的全方位个性化治疗方案和高效护理服务。 旗下300多个诊所、透析中心和肾脏病中心遍布全球20多个国家和地区,全球近10000名高素质的员工为 30,000多名患者提供全方位、高标准、一体化的医疗护理服务。Diaverum 愿景肾脏医护的首选Diaverum 使命改善肾病患者生命质量Diaverum 核心价值观专一精进 卓越品质 医者仁心 患者至上诚邀您加入我们一起成长,成就卓越的您提供卓越的服务!更多详情请登录公司网站:www.diaverum.com.Diaverum is a world leading provider of renal health care. In 1991 Gambro established a new division, Gambro Healthcare Services, to consolidate its involvement in offering full dialysis services, through the operation of its own dialysis clinics. In October 2007, Gambro Healthcare Pty Ltd separated from the Gambro Pty Ltd Group and, as part of the new ownership, a new name was launched – Diaverum Pty Ltd.The headquater office is located in Lund,Sweden.The Global office is located in Munich,Germany.AP office is in Hongkong and China office is in Beijing. The company received credentials of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 environmental management system standards.Diaverum has operations in more than 20 countries, about 10,000 Highly qualified and motivated employees and provides treatment to around 30,000 patients.Diaverum differs from other providers through personalised, state-of-the-art services and support to patients in need of renal health care.The growth in the number of Diaverum clinics represents a changing healthcare economy and an evolving relationship between the company and the traditional care providers in the renal community. Diaverum believes that the key elements to the causes of this growth are mutual trust and a demonstrated commitment to quality care and best outcomes for the patient.Our VisionFirst choice in renal careOur MissionImprove quality of life for renal patientsOur Value100 % committed to renal careQuality managementHolistic renal carePatient empowermentINVITE YOU JOIN US AND GROW WITH US!GREAT PEOPLE.GREAT CARE.For more information, please visit our corporate website: www.diaverum.com